Sunday, April 24, 2016

CIS Reading Day Pre-Demo For Closet v.1 Prototype with Code


Thanks Everyone for the support. YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME AND NEEDED!!!
All of this code can be found here:

_____________________HERE IS THE CODE_________________________
**************  This is the C++ Arduino storageCode.ino   **********************

//Author: Robert Morris

#include <Servo.h> //import arduino serial library

Servo table; // servo class table initialization
Servo door; // servo class door initialization
int detector; // analog detector variable
String order = ""; // command string variable setup
String inputString = "";         // a string builder for serial communication
boolean stringComplete = false;  // boolean for bytes to  string is completion
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // long variable for timeout timer
unsigned long currentMillis = 0; // long variable for timeout timer
long interval = 14000; // total time before timeout during analog hand detection

void setup() { // setup for variables and system
  Serial.begin(9600); //master/slave serial channel set
  pinMode(A5, INPUT); //analog light reader pin set
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //led for analog reader pin set
  inputString.reserve(200); //reserver buffer size for serial string reader
  door.attach(6);// door motor power attatchment
  door.write(10); // setting door to close position on startup
  door.detach();// door motor power detatchment

void loop() { // system main loop

    serialEvent(); // checking buffer for serial info from master
    if (stringComplete) { // boolean from serial buffer check function
      stringComplete = false; // boolean reset
      order = inputString; // string comparrison setter
      //  ---- BEGIN TABLE CONTROL ----
      if(order == "turnL"){ //command turn table left
        table.attach(9);// table motor power attactment
        table.detach(); // table motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "turnR"){ //command turn table right
        table.attach(9);// table motor power attactment
        table.detach();// table motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "rotate"){//slow table rotate for calibration
        table.attach(9); // table motor power attactment
        while(stringComplete != true){ //stops with new serial string detected
           serialEvent(); // checking for serial string in buffer
        table.detach();// table motor power detatchment
//  ---- END TANBLE CONTROL ----

//  ============================     

//  ---- BEGIN DOOR CONTROL ----

      else if(order == "close"){ //command to close door
        //Serial.println("close recieved");
        door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
        door.detach();// door motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "open"){ // command to open door, free from detection
        door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
        //Serial.print("open recieved");
        door.detach(); // door motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "openwait"){ // command to open door, wait for hand detection or new string
       digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // led light power for detector
       door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
       detector = analogRead(A5); // analog light reading
       previousMillis = millis(); // timer for timeout on hand detection
       while(detector != 0){ // detectoin loop terminator
         currentMillis = millis(); // timer update
         detector = analogRead(A5); // detector update
         detector -+ 20; // adjustment for over lighting
         if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval){ // timelapse comparrison
           Serial.println("0"); // serial timeout notification
           break; // timeout loop terminator
       digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn off light for detector
       Serial.println("1"); // serial detection notification
       door.detach(); // door motor power detatchment
//  ---- END DOOR CONTROL ----
      inputString = ""; // reset string builder to empty
      order = ""; // reset command string to empty

void serialEvent() { // slave serial listener function, waiting for bytes
  while (Serial.available()) { // if bytes in buffer
    // get the new byte:
    char inChar = (char); // typecast bytes from ascii to char
    // add it to the inputString:
    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') { // if char new line char
      stringComplete = true; // change boolean true
      break; // break out of reader loop
    inputString += inChar; // adding char to string builder variable


*********************  This is the python file  ****************************

#Author Robert Morris

__author__ = 'Robert Morris'
import serial
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import time
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import picamera

class InfoSender:
    creates master/slave serial communication object
    :param: connection: slave device location on serial
    :param: baud: default baud rate for communication with Arduino (Arduino must be same baud)
    def __init__(self, connection, baud):
        self.connection = connection # updates com serial variable with location of slave device
        self.baud = baud # updates default baud rate for serial byte transfer variable
        self.serial = serial.Serial(self.connection, self.baud) # call to python serial module to create serial object

    def sendInfo(self, info):
        function to allow the conversion and sending of information (string commands) in a python 3
        formate over the serial connection to the Arduino.
        :param: info: string
        :return: None
        self.serial.write(bytes(info, 'utf-8')) # converts string to bytes in utf-8 format and sends over serial

class TrayImage():
    Tray Image Object, creates a stores an Image for tkinter buffer
    def __init__(self, location, name, imageType):
        self.location = location # image location variable
        self.imageType = "." + imageType # image time variable = name # image name variable
        self.image = self.getImage(self.location,, self.imageType) # call to function to update object with first image

    def getImage(self, location, name, imageType):
        function to get or update an image from a file location
        :return: tkinter image
        imageSize = 570, 500 # image size bounds
        location = location + name + imageType # full image file name+pathway
        load = # read image into buffer
        load.thumbnail(imageSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) # create tumbnail image for tkinter processing
        image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load) # create tkinter usable photo from thumbnail
        return image  # return tkinter image

    def updateImage(self):
        funtion to mutate current object image with new image.
        :reference: self.getImage()
        :return: None
        self.image = self.getImage(self.location,, self.imageType)

class LEDCounter:
    Seven Segment LED Dispaly Object
    def __init__(self, num):

        top, ltop, rtop, mid, lbot, rbot, bot, single,= 21, 20, 16, 12, 6, 13, 26, 19 # gpio pin numbers
        self.pinList = [top, ltop, rtop, mid, lbot, rbot, bot, single] #gpio pin list
        self.setUpPins() # call to gpio pin setup function = [rtop, rbot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 1
        self.two = [top, rtop, mid, lbot, bot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 2
        self.three = [top, rtop, mid, rbot, bot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 3
        self.four = [ltop, rtop, mid, rbot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 4
        self.single = single # single dot on bottom of display (UNUSED)
        self.current = self.updateLED(num) # call to display update function with integer param to update

    def updateLED(self, num):
        function that updates the LED display to the number provided
        :param: integer
        :return: None
        self.displayOff() # call to function turn off any currently display number

        if num == 1:
            self.oneOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 1

        elif num == 2:
            self.twoOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 2

        elif num == 3:
            self.threeOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 3

        elif num == 4:
            self.fourOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number

            self.singleOn() # call to fucntion for Display of single bottom led dot (if shown means error)

    def setUpPins(self):
        function to setup up gpio led pins as output channels
        :return: None
        for i in self.pinList:
            gpio.setup(i, gpio.OUT) # setup each pin in list to output pin

    def displayOff(self):
        function that gaurentees LED display is off
        :return: None
        self.oneOff() # call to fucntion for one off
        self.twoOff() # call to fucntion for two off
        self.threeOff()# call to fucntion for three off
        self.fourOff() # call to fucntion for four off
        self.singleOff() # call to fucntion for single dot led off

    def oneOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 1
        :return: None
        for i in
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def twoOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 2
        :return: None
        for i in self.two:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def threeOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 3
        :return: None
        for i in self.three:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def fourOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 4
        :return: None
        for i in self.four:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def oneOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def twoOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.two:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def threeOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.three:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def fourOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.four:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def singleOn(self):
        function that turns ON display LED for bottom dot
        :return: None
        gpio.output(self.single, True)

    def singleOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LED
        :return: None
        gpio.output(self.single, False)

class TrayCam:
        System camera class
    def __init__(self): = picamera.PiCamera() # initializes a Raspberry Pi camera from the Pi camera module
        camL1, camL2 = 2, 3 # set up pin numbers for camera led lights for camera flash
        self.camList = [camL1, camL2] # led list
        self.setUpPins() # Call to gpio setup function

    def captureImage(self, location, name, type):
        fucntion that captures and stores and image using the camera and the led flash
        :param location: the directory in which to store the images
        :param name: what to name to label the image file
        :param type: the image file time (i.e. .jpeg)
        :return: None
        self.camLightOn() #turn flash on
        time.sleep(.25) # call to camera image capture function
        self.camLightOff() # flash off

    def setUpPins(self):
        function that sets up the led pins for use as flash
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.setup(i, gpio.OUT) # sets the led pin to output

    def camLightOn(self):
        function that turns the LED lights to on.
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.output(i, True) # sets the LED pin output to HIGH

    def camLightOff(self):
        function that turns the LED lights to off.
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.output(i, False) # sets the LED pin output to LOW


******************  This is the main python file  *******************

#Author: Robert Morris

__author__ = 'Robert Morris'
'''This file contains the tkinter code for the creation of the GUI
interface of the closetV1 storage system.'''

from tkinter import *
import time
from guts import * # import classes for the guts of the system

# GLOBAL Variables

LARGE_FONT = ("Verdana", 11, 'bold italic') # Bottom Button fonts
QUIT_FONT = ("Verdana", 11, 'bold italic') # quit button font
BB_COLOR = "#4682b4" #(70, 130, 180) # Bottom Button Colors = steel blue
TB_FG_COLOR = "#000000" # Tray Button fore ground color = black
TB_BG_COLOR = "#a0522d" #(160, 82, 45) # Tray Button back ground color = sienna
BOT_COLOR = TB_FG_COLOR # Bottom window Color = sienna

class Closet:

    def __init__(self, master=None, start=False):
        self.setUpVariables(start=start) # call to system variable setup function
        self.frame = Frame(master) # initialize app frame
        self.topWindow = Frame(master, bg=TB_BG_COLOR) # initialize inner top 2 tray buttons host frame with color
        self.midWindow = Frame(master, bg=TB_BG_COLOR) # initialize inner bottom 2 tray buttons host frame with color
        self.botWindow = Frame(master, bg=BOT_COLOR) # initialize bottom frame to hose user input buttons with color
        self.createTrays() # call to tray button creation function
        self.createButtons() # call to user input button creation function
        self.topWindow.pack(expand=1, side='top', fill='both') # finalize top window
        self.midWindow.pack(expand=1, fill='both' )# finalize middle window
        self.botWindow.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') # finalize bottome window
        self.frame.pack() # finalize app window

    def setUpVariables(self, start=False):
        Function sets the system Atributes
        :return: None

        self.sender = InfoSender('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) # initialize serial class connection to arduino = TrayCam() #initializes camera class # sets camera flash off
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # serial command to initialize the door to close on startup
        self.start = start # variable for system startup tray picture loader commmand
        self.imageArchive = "/home/pi/pyCode/closetV1/Images/" #location for picture storage
        self.ledNumber = LEDCounter(1) #seven seg display class initialization = 0 # open/close boolean door variable
        self.rotating = 0 # table rotating boolean variable
        if self.start == True: # check for tray picture load apon startup

    def createTrays(self):
        function sets up storage trays, creates tkinter buttons for trays and pictures and configures them
        :return: None

        self.tray1 = Button(self.topWindow, text="Tray 1",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress1)
        self.tray2 = Button(self.topWindow, text="Tray 2",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress2)
        self.tray3 = Button(self.midWindow, text="Tray 3",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress3)
        self.tray4 = Button(self.midWindow, text="Tray 4",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress4)
        self.trayConfig() # calls pictures configure function
        # place buttons inside master window
        self.tray1.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray2.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray3.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray4.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')

    def createButtons(self):
        function sets up system/user control buttons for bottom window in gui and configures them
        :return: None
        self.exitProgButton = quitButton(self.botWindow)

        self.reload = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10+ "Reload" + " " *10 ,
                             bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.RELOADALL)

        self.door = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*8 + "Open/Close" + " "*8,
                           bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.OPENCLOSE)

        self.turnl = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10+ "Turn L" + " "*10,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.TURNL)

        self.turnr = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10 + "Turn R" + " "*10,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.TURNR)

        self.table = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*7+ "Adjust Table" + " "*7,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.CALIBRATE)
        # place buttons inside master window
        self.door.pack(padx=5, side='left', expand=1)
        self.reload.pack(padx=5,  side='left', expand=1)
        self.turnr.pack(padx=5, side='left', expand=1)
        self.table.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)
        self.turnl.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)
        self.tray3.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray4.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')

    def AllImageUpdater(self):
        class settor/mutator and image initialization function
        :return: None
        self.tray_one_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray1", "jpg")
        self.tray_two_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray2", "jpg")
        self.tray_three_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray3", "jpg")
        self.tray_four_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray4", "jpg")

    def trayConfig(self):
        function that configures previously set up tray buttons with images
        :return: None

    def CALIBRATE(self):
        function that sends commands via serial to the Arduino to
        start or stop the table motor for adjument based on boolean rotate variable.
        Event trigger based on user/Adjust Table button
        :return: None
        if self.rotating == 0:
            self.sender.sendInfo('rotate\n') # sends serial command to Arduino to start rotation
            self.rotating = 1 # sets boolean variable to true
            self.sender.sendInfo('x\n') # sends random event serial command to Arduino to stop rotation
            self.rotating = 0 # sets boolean variable to false

    def RELOADALL(self):
        function that allows user to reset all of the tray button pictures with current pictures
        upon event from user/reload button
        :return: None
        self.startUp() = 0 # reset open variable to false
        self.AllImageUpdater() #call to tray image update function
        self.trayConfig()# call to tray button configure function

    def OPENCLOSE(self):
        :return: None
        function that sends commands via serial to the Arduino to
        open or close door based on boolean open. Triggered based on event from user/door button
        if == 0: # if door closed
            self.sender.sendInfo('open\n') # open command string sent over serial to Arduino
   = 1 # boolean open variable set to true
            time.sleep(.5) # if door open
            self.sender.sendInfo('close\n') # close command string sent over serial to Arduino
   = 0 # boolean close variable set to false

    def TURNR(self):
        function send a command string over serial to Arduino to turn
        table right one tray. Triggered by event from user/Turn R button
        :return: None
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") # command string sent over serial to Ardunio

    def TURNL(self):
        function send a command string over serial to Arduino to turn
        table left one tray. Triggered by event from user/Turn L button
        :return: None
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") # command string sent over serial to Ardunio

    def startUp(self):
        fucntion that loads loads each tray with a new image.
        :return: None
        trayList = [] # create a list for tray strings
        for i in range(4): # for loop to populate list with 4 tray strings
        self.sender.sendInfo("open\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open door

        for i in range(4): # loop through each tray to take a picture
            self.ledNumber.updateLED(i+1) # updating the SSDisplay number for user
  , name=trayList[i], type=".jpg") # capture/store image with type and name
            if i != 3: # skip last turn on 4th tray
                self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to turn table one tray to left

        self.ledNumber.updateLED(1) # reset SSDisplay to 1st tray
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door

        for i in range(3): # return the tray to the first tray
            self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to turn table one tray to right
            time.sleep(1) = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress1(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 1 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(1) # updates SSdipslay for user
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        #print("Tray1 Selected")
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial) # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if command == '1': # if detection
  , name="tray1", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_one_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray1.config(image=self.tray_one_image.image) # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress2(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 2 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(2) # updates SSdipslay for user
        print("Tray2 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '1' or command == "0"): # if detection
  , name="tray2", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_two_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray2.config(image=self.tray_two_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress3(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 3 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(3) # updates SSdipslay for user
        for i in range(2):
        print("Tray3 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '1' or command == '0'): # if detection
  , name="tray3", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_three_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray3.config(image=self.tray_three_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door

        for i in range(2):
            time.sleep(1.5) = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress4(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 4 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(4) # updates SSdipslay for user
        print("Tray4 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '0' or command == '0'): # if detection
  , name="tray4", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_four_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray4.config(image=self.tray_four_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def reciever(self, port):
        function that listens to the serial for bytes of information from the Arduino,
        then converts the information upon detection of new line character to string.
        :param port: Arduino serial port for buffer listener
        :return: string command from Arduino via serial
        while True:
            info = port.readline().decode('utf-8') # read buffer until bytes are detected, then convert
                                                    #those bytes to a string utf-8 format until new line char detected
            if info: # there is a string
                return info

class quitButton:
    Quit Button object, Terminates program upon even from user/Exit Program button
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.quitButton = Button(master, text=" "*7+"Exit Program"+" "*7,
                                 bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=QUIT_FONT, command=quit)
        self.quitButton.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)

def main():
        main program function
        :return: None
    window = Tk() # Tk Object intialization of main app frame
    w, h = window.winfo_screenwidth(), window.winfo_screenheight() # get info on monitor display width and height
    window.overrideredirect(1) # get rid top system window bar with minimize, maximize, and x button
    window.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w,h)) # set man window frame to info of width and height previously gathered
    #window.title("Closet v.1") #set system window bar title
    app = Closet(master=window, start=False) #initialize and create app/program object frame
    window.mainloop() # run program main loop

main() #start program call


Friday, April 22, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Project Closet v.1, by Robert Morris


I have chosen some weeks ago to start a mid term project for one of my CS classes. Since that time I have been unable to get my self away from it long enough to tell you all what I have been up to. I watched an inspirational Ted Talk a few weeks ago, about how the future of computers, IoT devices, and technology in general should start to take a turn. How we, as creators, should think towards devices that we do less on and react more to our own gestures, habits, and needs. So, I decide to begin work on an Idea I have dubbed "Project Closet v.1". Project Closet v.1 is an interactive storage idea. The prototype itself may be rather modest but the idea has limitless bounds. The idea is that the storage system can react to you when around it and show you a list (pictures) of items inside, and deliver one to you if you press the picture. This idea may sound simple but if it is implemented as a large pantry of food could be much more complex. It could present you with a meal idea based on what is inside, or alert when you are out of an item. Maybe it could even find the item on shopping sites such as Amazon and order it for you if it learned you didn't like to be out of that item. It could alert you when food is nearing expiration or you could check the items inside, via your smart phone, when you were on the go. It could keep an accurate list of what you have purchased over time and recommend better prices on common items. Maybe it is a simple night stand storage box with a wireless charging area for your phone or a place for your wallet and keys. It could alert you when you may forget an item in the mourning or wake you up presenting your medications or vitamins. It is an idea limited only by the creators imagination.
My implementation of this project takes several different parts working together to produce a working prototype. These areas/parts are as follows:
A Box, A Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, 1-continuous rotation servo motor, 1-180 degree rotation servo motor, a camera, 1 seven segment led number display, 1 light sensor, a plastic chain and two sprockets, two breadboards, a 10 inch LED Display (with display driver card), a 6 inch hdmi cable, several Erector set parts, 3 white LEDs. The Raspberry Pi will be running a python program that has a GUI made with tkinter. It will be controlling the operation of the camera, saving the pictures, and communicating via a serial connection with an Arduino. The Arduino, acting as a slave receiver, is running a program written in a version of c++. The code will run in a continuous loop as it waits for a command over the serial from the master, which is the Raspberry Pi. The Pi sends a byte string over the serial. Then the Arduino decodes the string, and performs an operation. It will control either of the two motors based on the command received and also read analog values from the light detector if the door is open to notify the Pi, with a byte string back over the serial, that a hand has either taken an item out of the box or placed an item inside. It will then wait for another command from the Pi that notifies the Arduino a picture has been taken and it is now ok to close the door. Then the GUI will update the picture on one of the 4 buttons displayed on the screen with the item being stored in that area.

These are the main plans of the early prototype. Hopefully, time will permit me to implement a server into this project as well so that the pictures can be accessed from a website or an app on a phone.