Sunday, April 24, 2016

CIS Reading Day Pre-Demo For Closet v.1 Prototype with Code


Thanks Everyone for the support. YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME AND NEEDED!!!
All of this code can be found here:

_____________________HERE IS THE CODE_________________________
**************  This is the C++ Arduino storageCode.ino   **********************

//Author: Robert Morris

#include <Servo.h> //import arduino serial library

Servo table; // servo class table initialization
Servo door; // servo class door initialization
int detector; // analog detector variable
String order = ""; // command string variable setup
String inputString = "";         // a string builder for serial communication
boolean stringComplete = false;  // boolean for bytes to  string is completion
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // long variable for timeout timer
unsigned long currentMillis = 0; // long variable for timeout timer
long interval = 14000; // total time before timeout during analog hand detection

void setup() { // setup for variables and system
  Serial.begin(9600); //master/slave serial channel set
  pinMode(A5, INPUT); //analog light reader pin set
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //led for analog reader pin set
  inputString.reserve(200); //reserver buffer size for serial string reader
  door.attach(6);// door motor power attatchment
  door.write(10); // setting door to close position on startup
  door.detach();// door motor power detatchment

void loop() { // system main loop

    serialEvent(); // checking buffer for serial info from master
    if (stringComplete) { // boolean from serial buffer check function
      stringComplete = false; // boolean reset
      order = inputString; // string comparrison setter
      //  ---- BEGIN TABLE CONTROL ----
      if(order == "turnL"){ //command turn table left
        table.attach(9);// table motor power attactment
        table.detach(); // table motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "turnR"){ //command turn table right
        table.attach(9);// table motor power attactment
        table.detach();// table motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "rotate"){//slow table rotate for calibration
        table.attach(9); // table motor power attactment
        while(stringComplete != true){ //stops with new serial string detected
           serialEvent(); // checking for serial string in buffer
        table.detach();// table motor power detatchment
//  ---- END TANBLE CONTROL ----

//  ============================     

//  ---- BEGIN DOOR CONTROL ----

      else if(order == "close"){ //command to close door
        //Serial.println("close recieved");
        door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
        door.detach();// door motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "open"){ // command to open door, free from detection
        door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
        //Serial.print("open recieved");
        door.detach(); // door motor power detatchment
      else if(order == "openwait"){ // command to open door, wait for hand detection or new string
       digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // led light power for detector
       door.attach(6); // door motor power attatchment
       detector = analogRead(A5); // analog light reading
       previousMillis = millis(); // timer for timeout on hand detection
       while(detector != 0){ // detectoin loop terminator
         currentMillis = millis(); // timer update
         detector = analogRead(A5); // detector update
         detector -+ 20; // adjustment for over lighting
         if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval){ // timelapse comparrison
           Serial.println("0"); // serial timeout notification
           break; // timeout loop terminator
       digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn off light for detector
       Serial.println("1"); // serial detection notification
       door.detach(); // door motor power detatchment
//  ---- END DOOR CONTROL ----
      inputString = ""; // reset string builder to empty
      order = ""; // reset command string to empty

void serialEvent() { // slave serial listener function, waiting for bytes
  while (Serial.available()) { // if bytes in buffer
    // get the new byte:
    char inChar = (char); // typecast bytes from ascii to char
    // add it to the inputString:
    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') { // if char new line char
      stringComplete = true; // change boolean true
      break; // break out of reader loop
    inputString += inChar; // adding char to string builder variable


*********************  This is the python file  ****************************

#Author Robert Morris

__author__ = 'Robert Morris'
import serial
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import time
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import picamera

class InfoSender:
    creates master/slave serial communication object
    :param: connection: slave device location on serial
    :param: baud: default baud rate for communication with Arduino (Arduino must be same baud)
    def __init__(self, connection, baud):
        self.connection = connection # updates com serial variable with location of slave device
        self.baud = baud # updates default baud rate for serial byte transfer variable
        self.serial = serial.Serial(self.connection, self.baud) # call to python serial module to create serial object

    def sendInfo(self, info):
        function to allow the conversion and sending of information (string commands) in a python 3
        formate over the serial connection to the Arduino.
        :param: info: string
        :return: None
        self.serial.write(bytes(info, 'utf-8')) # converts string to bytes in utf-8 format and sends over serial

class TrayImage():
    Tray Image Object, creates a stores an Image for tkinter buffer
    def __init__(self, location, name, imageType):
        self.location = location # image location variable
        self.imageType = "." + imageType # image time variable = name # image name variable
        self.image = self.getImage(self.location,, self.imageType) # call to function to update object with first image

    def getImage(self, location, name, imageType):
        function to get or update an image from a file location
        :return: tkinter image
        imageSize = 570, 500 # image size bounds
        location = location + name + imageType # full image file name+pathway
        load = # read image into buffer
        load.thumbnail(imageSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) # create tumbnail image for tkinter processing
        image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load) # create tkinter usable photo from thumbnail
        return image  # return tkinter image

    def updateImage(self):
        funtion to mutate current object image with new image.
        :reference: self.getImage()
        :return: None
        self.image = self.getImage(self.location,, self.imageType)

class LEDCounter:
    Seven Segment LED Dispaly Object
    def __init__(self, num):

        top, ltop, rtop, mid, lbot, rbot, bot, single,= 21, 20, 16, 12, 6, 13, 26, 19 # gpio pin numbers
        self.pinList = [top, ltop, rtop, mid, lbot, rbot, bot, single] #gpio pin list
        self.setUpPins() # call to gpio pin setup function = [rtop, rbot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 1
        self.two = [top, rtop, mid, lbot, bot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 2
        self.three = [top, rtop, mid, rbot, bot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 3
        self.four = [ltop, rtop, mid, rbot] # pin list for LEDs that form the visual number 4
        self.single = single # single dot on bottom of display (UNUSED)
        self.current = self.updateLED(num) # call to display update function with integer param to update

    def updateLED(self, num):
        function that updates the LED display to the number provided
        :param: integer
        :return: None
        self.displayOff() # call to function turn off any currently display number

        if num == 1:
            self.oneOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 1

        elif num == 2:
            self.twoOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 2

        elif num == 3:
            self.threeOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number 3

        elif num == 4:
            self.fourOn() # call to fucntion for Display of number

            self.singleOn() # call to fucntion for Display of single bottom led dot (if shown means error)

    def setUpPins(self):
        function to setup up gpio led pins as output channels
        :return: None
        for i in self.pinList:
            gpio.setup(i, gpio.OUT) # setup each pin in list to output pin

    def displayOff(self):
        function that gaurentees LED display is off
        :return: None
        self.oneOff() # call to fucntion for one off
        self.twoOff() # call to fucntion for two off
        self.threeOff()# call to fucntion for three off
        self.fourOff() # call to fucntion for four off
        self.singleOff() # call to fucntion for single dot led off

    def oneOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 1
        :return: None
        for i in
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def twoOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 2
        :return: None
        for i in self.two:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def threeOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 3
        :return: None
        for i in self.three:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def fourOn(self):
        function that turns on display LEDs in shape 4
        :return: None
        for i in self.four:
            gpio.output(i, True)

    def oneOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def twoOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.two:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def threeOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.three:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def fourOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LEDs
        :return: None
        for i in self.four:
            gpio.output(i, False)

    def singleOn(self):
        function that turns ON display LED for bottom dot
        :return: None
        gpio.output(self.single, True)

    def singleOff(self):
        function that turns OFF display LED
        :return: None
        gpio.output(self.single, False)

class TrayCam:
        System camera class
    def __init__(self): = picamera.PiCamera() # initializes a Raspberry Pi camera from the Pi camera module
        camL1, camL2 = 2, 3 # set up pin numbers for camera led lights for camera flash
        self.camList = [camL1, camL2] # led list
        self.setUpPins() # Call to gpio setup function

    def captureImage(self, location, name, type):
        fucntion that captures and stores and image using the camera and the led flash
        :param location: the directory in which to store the images
        :param name: what to name to label the image file
        :param type: the image file time (i.e. .jpeg)
        :return: None
        self.camLightOn() #turn flash on
        time.sleep(.25) # call to camera image capture function
        self.camLightOff() # flash off

    def setUpPins(self):
        function that sets up the led pins for use as flash
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.setup(i, gpio.OUT) # sets the led pin to output

    def camLightOn(self):
        function that turns the LED lights to on.
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.output(i, True) # sets the LED pin output to HIGH

    def camLightOff(self):
        function that turns the LED lights to off.
        :return: None
        for i in self.camList:
            gpio.output(i, False) # sets the LED pin output to LOW


******************  This is the main python file  *******************

#Author: Robert Morris

__author__ = 'Robert Morris'
'''This file contains the tkinter code for the creation of the GUI
interface of the closetV1 storage system.'''

from tkinter import *
import time
from guts import * # import classes for the guts of the system

# GLOBAL Variables

LARGE_FONT = ("Verdana", 11, 'bold italic') # Bottom Button fonts
QUIT_FONT = ("Verdana", 11, 'bold italic') # quit button font
BB_COLOR = "#4682b4" #(70, 130, 180) # Bottom Button Colors = steel blue
TB_FG_COLOR = "#000000" # Tray Button fore ground color = black
TB_BG_COLOR = "#a0522d" #(160, 82, 45) # Tray Button back ground color = sienna
BOT_COLOR = TB_FG_COLOR # Bottom window Color = sienna

class Closet:

    def __init__(self, master=None, start=False):
        self.setUpVariables(start=start) # call to system variable setup function
        self.frame = Frame(master) # initialize app frame
        self.topWindow = Frame(master, bg=TB_BG_COLOR) # initialize inner top 2 tray buttons host frame with color
        self.midWindow = Frame(master, bg=TB_BG_COLOR) # initialize inner bottom 2 tray buttons host frame with color
        self.botWindow = Frame(master, bg=BOT_COLOR) # initialize bottom frame to hose user input buttons with color
        self.createTrays() # call to tray button creation function
        self.createButtons() # call to user input button creation function
        self.topWindow.pack(expand=1, side='top', fill='both') # finalize top window
        self.midWindow.pack(expand=1, fill='both' )# finalize middle window
        self.botWindow.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') # finalize bottome window
        self.frame.pack() # finalize app window

    def setUpVariables(self, start=False):
        Function sets the system Atributes
        :return: None

        self.sender = InfoSender('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) # initialize serial class connection to arduino = TrayCam() #initializes camera class # sets camera flash off
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # serial command to initialize the door to close on startup
        self.start = start # variable for system startup tray picture loader commmand
        self.imageArchive = "/home/pi/pyCode/closetV1/Images/" #location for picture storage
        self.ledNumber = LEDCounter(1) #seven seg display class initialization = 0 # open/close boolean door variable
        self.rotating = 0 # table rotating boolean variable
        if self.start == True: # check for tray picture load apon startup

    def createTrays(self):
        function sets up storage trays, creates tkinter buttons for trays and pictures and configures them
        :return: None

        self.tray1 = Button(self.topWindow, text="Tray 1",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress1)
        self.tray2 = Button(self.topWindow, text="Tray 2",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress2)
        self.tray3 = Button(self.midWindow, text="Tray 3",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress3)
        self.tray4 = Button(self.midWindow, text="Tray 4",
                            bg=TB_FG_COLOR, fg='white', command=self.buttonPress4)
        self.trayConfig() # calls pictures configure function
        # place buttons inside master window
        self.tray1.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray2.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray3.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray4.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')

    def createButtons(self):
        function sets up system/user control buttons for bottom window in gui and configures them
        :return: None
        self.exitProgButton = quitButton(self.botWindow)

        self.reload = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10+ "Reload" + " " *10 ,
                             bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.RELOADALL)

        self.door = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*8 + "Open/Close" + " "*8,
                           bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.OPENCLOSE)

        self.turnl = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10+ "Turn L" + " "*10,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.TURNL)

        self.turnr = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*10 + "Turn R" + " "*10,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.TURNR)

        self.table = Button(self.botWindow, text=" "*7+ "Adjust Table" + " "*7,
                            bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=LARGE_FONT, command=self.CALIBRATE)
        # place buttons inside master window
        self.door.pack(padx=5, side='left', expand=1)
        self.reload.pack(padx=5,  side='left', expand=1)
        self.turnr.pack(padx=5, side='left', expand=1)
        self.table.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)
        self.turnl.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)
        self.tray3.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
        self.tray4.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both')

    def AllImageUpdater(self):
        class settor/mutator and image initialization function
        :return: None
        self.tray_one_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray1", "jpg")
        self.tray_two_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray2", "jpg")
        self.tray_three_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray3", "jpg")
        self.tray_four_image = TrayImage(self.imageArchive, "tray4", "jpg")

    def trayConfig(self):
        function that configures previously set up tray buttons with images
        :return: None

    def CALIBRATE(self):
        function that sends commands via serial to the Arduino to
        start or stop the table motor for adjument based on boolean rotate variable.
        Event trigger based on user/Adjust Table button
        :return: None
        if self.rotating == 0:
            self.sender.sendInfo('rotate\n') # sends serial command to Arduino to start rotation
            self.rotating = 1 # sets boolean variable to true
            self.sender.sendInfo('x\n') # sends random event serial command to Arduino to stop rotation
            self.rotating = 0 # sets boolean variable to false

    def RELOADALL(self):
        function that allows user to reset all of the tray button pictures with current pictures
        upon event from user/reload button
        :return: None
        self.startUp() = 0 # reset open variable to false
        self.AllImageUpdater() #call to tray image update function
        self.trayConfig()# call to tray button configure function

    def OPENCLOSE(self):
        :return: None
        function that sends commands via serial to the Arduino to
        open or close door based on boolean open. Triggered based on event from user/door button
        if == 0: # if door closed
            self.sender.sendInfo('open\n') # open command string sent over serial to Arduino
   = 1 # boolean open variable set to true
            time.sleep(.5) # if door open
            self.sender.sendInfo('close\n') # close command string sent over serial to Arduino
   = 0 # boolean close variable set to false

    def TURNR(self):
        function send a command string over serial to Arduino to turn
        table right one tray. Triggered by event from user/Turn R button
        :return: None
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") # command string sent over serial to Ardunio

    def TURNL(self):
        function send a command string over serial to Arduino to turn
        table left one tray. Triggered by event from user/Turn L button
        :return: None
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") # command string sent over serial to Ardunio

    def startUp(self):
        fucntion that loads loads each tray with a new image.
        :return: None
        trayList = [] # create a list for tray strings
        for i in range(4): # for loop to populate list with 4 tray strings
        self.sender.sendInfo("open\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open door

        for i in range(4): # loop through each tray to take a picture
            self.ledNumber.updateLED(i+1) # updating the SSDisplay number for user
  , name=trayList[i], type=".jpg") # capture/store image with type and name
            if i != 3: # skip last turn on 4th tray
                self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to turn table one tray to left

        self.ledNumber.updateLED(1) # reset SSDisplay to 1st tray
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door

        for i in range(3): # return the tray to the first tray
            self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to turn table one tray to right
            time.sleep(1) = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress1(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 1 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(1) # updates SSdipslay for user
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        #print("Tray1 Selected")
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial) # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if command == '1': # if detection
  , name="tray1", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_one_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray1.config(image=self.tray_one_image.image) # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress2(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 2 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(2) # updates SSdipslay for user
        print("Tray2 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '1' or command == "0"): # if detection
  , name="tray2", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_two_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray2.config(image=self.tray_two_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnR\n") = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress3(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 3 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(3) # updates SSdipslay for user
        for i in range(2):
        print("Tray3 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '1' or command == '0'): # if detection
  , name="tray3", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_three_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray3.config(image=self.tray_three_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door

        for i in range(2):
            time.sleep(1.5) = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def buttonPress4(self):
        function that upon user/first tray 4 event, turns table to tray and opens door.
        waits for user to take item out of tray or insert item
        :return: None
        self.ledNumber.updateLED(4) # updates SSdipslay for user
        print("Tray4 Selected")
        self.sender.sendInfo("openwait\n") # command sent to Arduino over serial to open the door and wait for detection or timeout
        command = self.reciever(self.sender.serial)  # call to master serial buffer to wait for and recieve command from Arduino

        if True or (command == '0' or command == '0'): # if detection
  , name="tray4", type=".jpg") # capture new picture
            self.tray_four_image.updateImage() # update tray image with new image
            self.tray4.config(image=self.tray_four_image.image)  # configure tray button with new image
        self.sender.sendInfo("close\n")  # command sent to Arduino over serial to close door
        self.sender.sendInfo("turnL\n") = 0 # gaurentee boolean door variable is false

    def reciever(self, port):
        function that listens to the serial for bytes of information from the Arduino,
        then converts the information upon detection of new line character to string.
        :param port: Arduino serial port for buffer listener
        :return: string command from Arduino via serial
        while True:
            info = port.readline().decode('utf-8') # read buffer until bytes are detected, then convert
                                                    #those bytes to a string utf-8 format until new line char detected
            if info: # there is a string
                return info

class quitButton:
    Quit Button object, Terminates program upon even from user/Exit Program button
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.quitButton = Button(master, text=" "*7+"Exit Program"+" "*7,
                                 bg=BB_COLOR, fg='black', font=QUIT_FONT, command=quit)
        self.quitButton.pack(padx=5, side='right', expand=1)

def main():
        main program function
        :return: None
    window = Tk() # Tk Object intialization of main app frame
    w, h = window.winfo_screenwidth(), window.winfo_screenheight() # get info on monitor display width and height
    window.overrideredirect(1) # get rid top system window bar with minimize, maximize, and x button
    window.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w,h)) # set man window frame to info of width and height previously gathered
    #window.title("Closet v.1") #set system window bar title
    app = Closet(master=window, start=False) #initialize and create app/program object frame
    window.mainloop() # run program main loop

main() #start program call


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